Team Meetings and Events

SPIKERS Next Best Version for 2020 !


Team Meetings
In case of any confusion --
  • Team Call each week will always be the same regular schedule times.
  • Any exceptions will be announced and noted by the team captain.
  • Exceptions will be noted on this page, if time permits.

Goal teams - make your calls during the week happen!
  • [O'Brien - Blair] - [Lemberg - Gabriele]

Meeting Announcements and Call Exceptions
  • Mondays, 8:30 PM EDT: Video Conference Call
  • Be ON Zoom call (TBA) by at least 8:28 PM Eastern.
  • Keep your Zoom app updated.


Off Sites
2021 first: TBD based on pandemic
2021 second: TBD based on pandemic

  • . . . . . What's next??? . . . . Stay Tuned ! ! !

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